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学校校长的角色是教育的基石, 对于教育领导者和管理者来说,就业市场前景一片光明. In fact, data from Lightcast suggests that the demand for these roles is expected to grow by 4.到2032年,俄亥俄州的比例为4%,相比之下.美国所有其他行业的增长率为8%.S. ——这是考虑在这一领域从事职业的理想时机.


Aspiring principals in the state of 俄亥俄州 require a unique blend of educational qualifications, 领导能力和管理素质. 下面,十大正规赌博平台大全排行将进一步探索的路径 成为俄亥俄州的校长,所以你会确切地知道会发生什么.


The first step in your journey to becoming a school principal in 俄亥俄州 is to earn a bachelor’s degree. 建议学习的领域包括教育和教育行政, 哪些可以帮助你为将来的教学和职业生涯做好准备, 最终, 教育领导.

一旦你完成了 教育学士学位,下一步就是取得你的专业教师执照. Becoming a licensed teacher in 俄亥俄州 involves passing the necessary exams and fulfilling state-specific requirements.



Gaining successful teaching experience after obtaining your professional teaching license is essential for moving up the administrative ladder.

正如Dr。. 坦尼娅·摩尔是小学教育项目主席,也是M. Ed. at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, most aspiring principals spend several years teaching at the grade level they are interested in leading.

“通常, an up-and-coming principal spends several years in a classroom teaching at the level they are interested in leading. 在俄亥俄州, you need at least two years of teaching experience with a standard teaching licensure to apply for licensure. 而教学, aspiring principals usually try to find additional ways to lead within their building.”

最后,值得一提的是,你可以选择同时追求你的 主执照硕士学位 同时也努力获得所需的两年经验. 同时做这两件事, you can accelerate your professional development and move into a principal role more quickly. 


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与传统课堂教学相邻的是为学生提供服务. 你可以考虑申请一个 专业学生服务执照 以帮助您获得硕士课程所需的必要经验.

This license allows you to work in roles such as school counselor or academic advisor, 哪些有时可以算作成功的教学经验, 这取决于你想进入的研究生院项目.

但是,请确保根据您的 主要执照计划因为每所学校的教学经验都是独一无二的.

第三步:完成硕士学位.Ed. 主牌照或替代牌照) 

成为俄亥俄州的校长, 你首先需要从一个认可的机构获得硕士学位. 

虽然任何硕士学位都可以攻读,但教育学位(如硕士学位). 教育校长执照或硕士学位.S. in 教育al Administration) is highly recommended due to its direct relevance to the field. 

在俄亥俄州, 主要许可证针对三个年级:pre-K-grade 6, 4-9年级和5-12年级. 教育学硕士学位.Ed.)专攻这些等级之一的, 毕业于认可的大学, 是否能为你提供担任主要角色所需的知识和技能.

M期间.Ed. 原则上许可程序, 你将学习教育领导理论, 创建积极的学校文化的组织管理和策略.

Dr. Moore also notes that comprehensive coursework and integrated internships will help you gain insight into constraints like 道德, 法律与价值观.

“Students are expected to gain experience in all areas of the 俄亥俄州 Standards for Principals. 这包括使命, 愿景, 核心价值观, 道德与职业规范, 学校改进, 课程, 指导和评估, 学校人员的专业能力, 公平与文化响应, 社区关怀及支援, 家庭和社区有意义的参与, 策略性人员配置及学校运作.” 

If, 另一方面, 你持有教育领域以外的硕士学位, 你通常需要参加硕士后教育证书课程. These certification programs typically take 6-12 months to complete and include all of the necessary coursework and practical experiences you’ll need to earn an 俄亥俄州 principal license. 

除了完成你的课程作业, 你还需要确保你已经满足了所有其他的毕业要求. 这包括在俄亥俄州持有有效的教学执照, completing any internship requirements and having accumulated at least 2 years of teaching experience by the end of your program. 


A principal preparation program in 俄亥俄州 is designed to equip you with the real-world skills needed for 教育领导. 这些项目通常持续1-2年,包括课程作业, 实习和实地经历, 所有这些都是获得执照所必需的.

值得注意的是, 在一些机构, 这个项目是建立在他们的硕士学位原则上的许可产品.

例如,十大正规赌博平台大全排行M.Ed. 教育领导-校长执照计划 includes a Principal Internship Course in which you must earn 200 field hours with their mentoring administrator. You must also track your time in each of the 俄亥俄州 Standards for Principals categories and complete a 学校改进 project.

Completing an approved principal preparation program or equivalent can provide advantages, 包括获得实践经验, networking with professionals and securing a solid foundation for your future role as a principal.


完成课程后, you’ll need a letter of recommendation from your institution's dean or head of teacher education. 
这份背书证明了你的资格和能力, serving as an essential component of your licensure application to the 俄亥俄州 State Board of 教育.


拥有校长执照的教育硕士学位可以让你参加 俄亥俄州教育评估(OAE)考试,这是获得主许可证所必需的.

Dr. 摩尔说,执照考试非常强调对法律的理解, 特别是特殊教育法.

“OAE测试非常看重教学领导能力, 学校管理, 道德, 社区关系和教育法. 也有各种情境问题来引出决策技巧, 确保你的判断是合理和合法的.”

通过OAE主要执照考试 在100到300的范围内至少得220分, 考试包括多项选择和书面部分.


在申请你的第一个俄亥俄州校长执照时, you must pass both the 俄亥俄州 Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) and FBI criminal 背景调查. 这些检查必须在许可证签发时不超过一年.

除了, 需要支付专业的主要执照费, and you must renew your license every five years by completing further coursework or contact hours. 具体地说, you must complete six semester hours of coursework or 180 contact hours relevant to your principal's license and approved by your local professional development committee.


一旦你获得了你的主要许可证, 下一步是争取校长的职位.
构建强大的应用程序, resume and interview skills is important to cross the finish line to a principal position, 博士和. 摩尔指出,这些努力都是值得的.

“我当建筑负责人的那段时间是我职业生涯中最好的时光之一. 建筑校长对教育有着深远的影响, 特别是学生的成功和学校的改进. There is an opportunity to build your 愿景 and strategically plan to meet the needs of your teachers and students. 这也是一个让社区参与进来的好方法.”


If you currently hold a professional principal license in 俄亥俄州 and wish to work in another state, you'll need to contact the relevant state's department of education to find out if your license is recognized. 

每个州对持有主许可证都有独特的要求和规则, 在做出任何重大的职业决定之前,了解它们是什么是很重要的.

相反, licensed principals from other states looking to work in 俄亥俄州 should contact the 俄亥俄州 Department of 教育 to explore 其他持牌途径. You can submit your credentials for review to see if you qualify for a comparable 俄亥俄州 license or if other requirements need to be met.

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Becoming a school principal in 俄亥俄州 is not just a career goal; it’s a pathway to significantly impacting the education sector.

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